Queue System Log |
2024-10-11 20:06:25: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA can be observed 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.04118 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.50203 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.50203 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.50203 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.50203 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.50203 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 can be observed 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON can be observed 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON can be observed 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26914 TCRB can be observed 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4279 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-10010 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15968 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27411 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2903 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14403 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20093 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5743 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12894 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1448 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2987 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-359 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11600 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4378 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10049 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2987 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5816 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8865 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14458 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20178 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26099 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-55 minutes) 2024-10-11 20:06:40: 61 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 18.618 DEC= 38.78 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25898 18.313 -13.78 0 80 11 8 -0 99 EAGLENEBULA 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 8 7 -1 14 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 8 7 -1 14 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 7 7 -2 12 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 7 7 -2 12 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26822 18.313 -13.78 0 80 11 6 -0 97 M16 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 7 6 -2 11 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 7 6 -2 11 HR5958 26840 20.461 -24.88 0 20 14 5 -5 34 MOON 26842 20.461 -24.88 0 0 14 5 -5 14 MOON 26843 20.461 -24.88 0 40 14 5 -5 54 MOON 26853 20.461 -24.88 0 0 14 5 -5 14 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 7 4 -2 9 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 7 4 -2 9 IC4587 26913 15.992 25.92 0 20 7 4 -2 29 BGO-899-TCRB 26914 15.992 25.93 0 20 7 4 -2 29 TCRB 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 7 3 -3 7 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 7 3 -4 6 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 7 3 -4 6 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 3 2 -6 -1 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 13 2 -10 5 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 7 1 -2 6 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 12 1 -10 3 PGC2820015 27069 16.569 70.49 0 0 7 1 -10 -2 2024PT5 27074 16.569 70.49 0 0 7 1 -10 -2 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 8 0 -10 18 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 8 0 -10 18 BLLAC 2024-10-11 20:06:43: request id 25898 (EAGLENEBULA) will be observed - score was 99 2024-10-11 20:14:20: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.05491 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.45565 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.45565 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.45565 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.45565 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.45565 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON can be observed 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON can be observed 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26914 TCRB can be observed 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4271 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-10002 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15960 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27403 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2895 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14395 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20085 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5735 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12886 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1456 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2979 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-351 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11592 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4370 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10041 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2979 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5808 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8857 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14450 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20170 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26091 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-47 minutes) 2024-10-11 20:14:35: 59 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 18.313 DEC= -13.78 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 7 7 -1 13 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 7 7 -1 13 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 10 7 -2 15 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 10 7 -2 15 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 10 6 -2 14 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 10 6 -2 14 HR5958 26840 20.465 -24.85 0 20 6 6 -4 28 MOON 26842 20.465 -24.85 0 0 6 5 -4 7 MOON 26843 20.465 -24.85 0 40 6 5 -4 47 MOON 26853 20.465 -24.85 0 0 6 5 -4 7 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 10 5 -2 13 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 10 4 -2 12 IC4587 26913 15.992 25.92 0 20 10 4 -2 32 BGO-899-TCRB 26914 15.992 25.93 0 20 10 4 -2 32 TCRB 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 10 4 -3 11 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 10 3 -4 9 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 10 3 -4 9 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 8 3 -6 5 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 21 2 -10 13 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 10 2 -2 10 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 17 1 -10 8 PGC2820015 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 17 1 -10 8 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 17 1 -10 8 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 0 -10 25 BLLAC 2024-10-11 20:14:38: request id 26843 (MOON) will be observed - score was 47 2024-10-11 20:15:29: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.05688 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.44891 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.44891 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.44891 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.44891 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.44891 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON can be observed 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26914 TCRB can be observed 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4270 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-10001 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15959 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27402 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2894 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14394 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20084 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5734 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12885 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1457 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2978 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-350 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11591 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4369 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10040 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2978 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5807 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8856 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14449 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20169 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26090 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-46 minutes) 2024-10-11 20:15:44: 58 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 20.465 DEC= -24.85 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 13 7 -1 19 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 13 7 -0 20 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 7 -2 21 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 16 6 -2 20 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 6 -2 20 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 6 -2 20 HR5958 26840 20.465 -24.85 0 20 0 5 -4 21 MOON 26842 20.465 -24.85 0 0 0 5 -4 1 MOON 26853 20.465 -24.85 0 0 0 5 -4 1 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 5 -2 19 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 4 -2 18 IC4587 26913 15.992 25.92 0 20 16 4 -2 38 BGO-899-TCRB 26914 15.992 25.93 0 20 16 4 -2 38 TCRB 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 4 -3 17 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 3 -4 15 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 3 -4 15 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 13 3 -6 10 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 18 2 -10 10 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 2 -2 16 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 13 1 -10 4 PGC2820015 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 21 1 -10 12 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 21 1 -10 12 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 14 1 -10 25 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 14 0 -10 24 BLLAC 2024-10-11 20:15:47: request id 26914 (TCRB) will be observed - score was 38 2024-10-11 20:17:46: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.06082 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.43547 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.43547 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.43547 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.43547 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.43547 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON can be observed 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4268 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9999 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15957 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27400 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2892 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14392 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20082 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5732 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12883 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1459 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2976 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-348 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11589 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4367 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10038 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2976 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5805 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8854 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14447 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20167 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26088 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-44 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:18:01: 58 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 15.992 DEC= 25.93 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 4 7 -1 10 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 4 7 -0 11 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 7 -2 5 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 0 6 -2 4 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -2 4 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -2 4 HR5958 26840 20.466 -24.85 0 20 16 5 -4 37 MOON 26842 20.466 -24.85 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26853 20.466 -24.85 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 5 -2 3 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -2 2 IC4587 26913 15.992 25.92 0 20 0 4 -2 22 BGO-899-TCRB 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 4 -3 1 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -4 0 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 3 -4 -1 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 5 3 -6 2 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 20 3 -10 13 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 2 -2 0 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 19 2 -10 11 PGC2820015 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 5 0 -3 2 1722+119 2024-10-11 20:18:04: request id 26840 (MOON) will be observed - score was 37 2024-10-11 20:19:13: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.06328 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.42696 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.42696 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.42696 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.42696 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.42696 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4267 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9998 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15956 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27399 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2891 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14391 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20081 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5731 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12882 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1460 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2975 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-347 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11588 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4366 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10037 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2975 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5804 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8853 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14446 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20166 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26087 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-43 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:19:29: 57 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 20.467 DEC= -24.84 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 13 7 -1 19 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 13 7 -0 20 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 7 -2 21 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 16 6 -2 20 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 6 -2 20 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 6 -2 20 HR5958 26842 20.467 -24.84 0 0 0 5 -4 1 MOON 26853 20.467 -24.84 0 0 0 5 -4 1 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 5 -2 19 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 4 -2 18 IC4587 26913 15.992 25.92 0 20 16 4 -2 38 BGO-899-TCRB 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 4 -3 17 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 4 -4 16 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 16 3 -4 15 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 13 3 -5 11 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 18 3 -10 11 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 16 2 -2 16 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 13 2 -10 5 PGC2820015 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 21 1 -10 12 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 21 1 -10 12 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 14 1 -10 25 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 14 1 -10 25 BLLAC 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 12 0 -3 9 1722+119 2024-10-11 20:19:32: request id 26913 (BGO-899-TCRB) will be observed - score was 38 2024-10-11 20:20:38: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.06572 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.41860 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.41860 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.41860 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.41860 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.41860 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER can be observed 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4265 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9996 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15954 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27397 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2889 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14389 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20079 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5729 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12880 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1462 minutes) 27047 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2973 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-345 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11586 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4364 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10035 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2973 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 is less than 45 degrees in altitude 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5802 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8851 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14444 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20164 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26085 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC can be observed 27080 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27081 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-41 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:20:53: 56 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 15.992 DEC= 25.92 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 4 7 -1 10 V1117HER 26730 16.549 6.87 0 0 4 7 -0 11 SSHER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -2 4 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 0 6 -2 4 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -2 4 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 5 -2 3 HR5958 26842 20.468 -24.84 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26853 20.468 -24.84 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 5 -2 3 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -2 2 IC4587 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 4 -3 1 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -4 0 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 3 -4 -1 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 5 3 -5 3 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 20 3 -10 13 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 2 -2 0 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 19 2 -10 11 PGC2820015 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27079 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 5 0 -3 2 1722+119 2024-10-11 20:20:56: request id 27079 (BLLAC) will be observed - score was 26 2024-10-11 20:23:49: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.07115 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39981 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39981 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39981 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39981 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39981 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 can be observed 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4262 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9993 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15951 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27394 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2886 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14386 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20076 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5726 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12877 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1465 minutes) 27047 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00215 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2970 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-342 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11583 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4361 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10032 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2970 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5799 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8848 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14441 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20161 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26082 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00218 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00218 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-38 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:24:05: 55 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 22.045 DEC= 42.28 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 15 7 -1 21 V1117HER 26811 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 7 -1 21 HR5958 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 15 6 -1 20 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 6 -1 20 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 5 -1 19 HR5958 26842 20.469 -24.83 0 0 14 5 -4 15 MOON 26853 20.469 -24.83 0 0 14 5 -4 15 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 5 -2 18 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -2 17 IC4587 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 4 -2 17 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -3 16 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -3 16 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 11 3 -5 9 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 3 -10 -1 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 2 -1 16 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 2 -10 -4 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 1 -10 -3 M31 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 10 1 -10 1 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 10 1 -10 1 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 0 1 -10 11 BLLAC 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 13 0 -3 10 1722+119 2024-10-11 20:24:08: request id 26811 (HR5958) will be observed - score was 21 2024-10-11 20:25:20: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.07373 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39085 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39085 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39085 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39085 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.39085 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4260 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9991 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15949 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27392 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2884 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14384 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20074 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5724 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12875 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1467 minutes) 27047 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00320 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27048 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27051 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2968 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-340 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11581 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4359 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10030 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2968 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5797 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8846 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14439 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20159 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26080 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC can be observed 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00324 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00324 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27083 BLLAC no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-36 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:25:36: 54 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 15.992 DEC= 25.92 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 4 7 -1 10 V1117HER 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 0 6 -1 5 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -1 5 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 6 -1 5 HR5958 26842 20.470 -24.82 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26853 20.470 -24.82 0 0 16 5 -4 17 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 5 -1 4 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -1 3 IC4587 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 4 -2 2 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -3 1 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 0 4 -3 1 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 5 3 -5 3 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 20 3 -10 13 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 0 2 -1 1 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 19 2 -10 11 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 20 1 -10 11 M31 27069 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27074 16.568 70.49 0 0 9 1 -10 0 2024PT5 27078 22.045 42.28 0 20 15 1 -10 26 BLLAC 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 5 0 -3 2 1722+119 2024-10-11 20:25:39: request id 27078 (BLLAC) will be observed - score was 26 2024-10-11 20:28:54: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.07981 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.36970 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.36970 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.36970 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.36970 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.36970 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER can be observed 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4257 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9988 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15946 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27389 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2881 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14381 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20071 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5721 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12872 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1470 minutes) 27047 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00567 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00240 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00240 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2965 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-337 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11578 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4356 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10027 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2965 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5794 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8843 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14436 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20156 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26077 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27074 2024PT5 can be observed 27075 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27076 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27077 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00570 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00571 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00243 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00243 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-33 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 27086 1749+096 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:29:09: 54 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 22.045 DEC= 42.28 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26727 16.652 9.79 0 0 15 7 -1 21 V1117HER 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 15 6 -1 20 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 6 -1 20 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 6 -1 20 HR5958 26842 20.471 -24.82 0 0 14 5 -4 15 MOON 26853 20.471 -24.82 0 0 14 5 -4 15 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 5 -1 19 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -1 18 IC4587 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 4 -2 17 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -3 16 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 15 4 -3 16 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 11 3 -5 9 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 3 -10 -1 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 15 2 -1 16 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 2 -10 -4 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 1 -10 -3 M31 27069 16.567 70.49 0 0 10 1 -10 1 2024PT5 27074 16.567 70.49 0 0 10 1 -10 1 2024PT5 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 13 1 -2 12 1722+119 27086 17.859 9.57 0 0 13 0 -3 10 1749+096 2024-10-11 20:29:12: request id 26727 (V1117HER) will be observed - score was 21 2024-10-11 20:36:18: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25277 M74 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25769 M76 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.09232 degrees 26311 TCRB no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.32569 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.32569 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.32569 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.32569 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.32569 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB can be observed 26818 HR5958 can be observed 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 can be observed 26837 HR5958 can be observed 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 can be observed 26881 IC4587 can be observed 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 can be observed 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4250 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9981 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15939 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27382 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2874 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14374 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20063 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5713 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12864 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1478 minutes) 27047 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01081 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00754 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00754 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2957 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-329 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11571 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4349 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-10019 minutes) 27057 HR5958 can be observed 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2958 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5787 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8836 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14429 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20149 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26070 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01083 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01083 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00756 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00756 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-25 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 27086 1749+096 can be observed 2024-10-11 20:36:32: 52 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 16.652 DEC= 9.79 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26817 15.992 25.93 0 0 4 6 -1 9 TCRB 26818 HR5958 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26827 15.992 25.92 0 0 4 6 -1 9 HR5958 26837 15.992 25.92 0 0 4 5 -1 8 HR5958 26842 20.475 -24.79 0 0 13 5 -4 14 MOON 26853 20.475 -24.79 0 0 13 5 -4 14 MOON 26880 15.998 25.94 0 0 4 5 -1 8 IC4587 26881 15.998 25.94 0 0 4 4 -1 7 IC4587 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 4 4 -2 6 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 4 4 -3 5 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 4 3 -3 4 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 5 3 -5 3 1749+269 27012 0.712 41.27 0 0 21 3 -10 14 M31 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27057 15.992 25.92 0 0 4 2 -1 5 HR5958 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 19 1 -10 10 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 21 1 -10 12 M31 27069 16.567 70.49 0 0 12 1 -10 3 2024PT5 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 2 1 -2 1 1722+119 27086 17.859 9.57 0 0 4 0 -3 1 1749+096 2024-10-11 20:36:34: request id 27012 (M31) will be observed - score was 14 2024-10-11 21:08:43: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON can be observed 24284 MOON can be observed 24285 MOON can be observed 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 can be observed 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25635 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26043 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26044 IC1805 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 26166 NGC6814 the Moon is too close at 18.14639 degrees 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.12987 degrees 26366 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.12987 degrees 26367 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.12987 degrees 26368 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.12987 degrees 26370 (5661) the Moon is too close at 17.12987 degrees 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON can be observed 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON can be observed 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB can be observed 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 can be observed 26948 IC4587 can be observed 26960 MOON can be observed 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27007 1749+269 can be observed 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-4217 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9948 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15906 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27349 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2841 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14341 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20031 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5681 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12832 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1510 minutes) 27047 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03332 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03005 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03005 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2925 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-297 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11538 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4316 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9987 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2925 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5754 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8803 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14396 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-20116 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-26037 minutes) 27067 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27068 (20026) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03335 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03335 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03007 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.03007 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B can be observed (7 minutes) 27085 1722+119 can be observed 27086 1749+096 can be observed 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27090 NGC1931 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 2024-10-11 21:08:57: 52 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 0.712 DEC= 41.27 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 24283 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24284 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 24285 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25507 NGC6720 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 26842 20.489 -24.70 0 0 18 5 -3 20 MOON 26853 20.489 -24.70 0 0 18 5 -3 20 MOON 26917 15.992 25.92 0 0 20 4 -1 23 BGO-899-TCRB 26946 15.998 25.94 0 0 20 4 -2 22 IC4587 26948 15.998 25.94 0 0 20 4 -2 22 IC4587 26960 MOON (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 27007 17.852 27.00 0 0 16 3 -4 15 1749+269 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 2 -10 -4 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 0 2 -10 -8 M31 27069 16.566 70.48 0 0 12 2 -10 4 2024PT5 27084 0.634 34.71 0 80 1 1 -10 72 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B 27085 17.418 11.90 0 0 19 1 -1 19 1722+119 27086 17.859 9.57 0 0 19 1 -2 18 1749+096 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 11 1 -10 2 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 3 0 -10 -7 M33 2024-10-11 21:09:00: request id 27084 (BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B) will be observed - score was 72 2024-10-12 01:13:01: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24284 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24285 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER can be observed 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER can be observed 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER can be observed 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER can be observed 25635 URANUS can be observed 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS can be observed 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER can be observed 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 can be observed 26043 IC1805 can be observed 26044 IC1805 can be observed 26166 NGC6814 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26366 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26367 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26368 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26370 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26948 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26960 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27007 1749+269 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-3973 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9704 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15662 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27105 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2597 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14097 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19787 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5437 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12588 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1754 minutes) 27047 BLLAC can be observed 27048 BLLAC can be observed 27051 BLLAC can be observed 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2681 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-53 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11294 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4072 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9743 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2681 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5510 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8559 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14152 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19872 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-25793 minutes) 27067 (20026) can be observed 27068 (20026) no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC can be observed 27081 BLLAC can be observed 27082 BLLAC can be observed 27083 BLLAC can be observed 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B request already observed tonight 27085 1722+119 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27086 1749+096 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27090 NGC1931 can be observed 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27094 BGO-1682-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-1189 minutes) 2024-10-12 01:13:16: 57 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 0.634 DEC= 34.71 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25297 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25469 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25581 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25634 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25635 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25653 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25709 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26042 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26043 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26044 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27047 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 4 -6 24 BLLAC 27048 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 3 -6 23 BLLAC 27051 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 3 -6 23 BLLAC 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 3 -3 4 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 1 3 -7 -3 M31 27067 6.072 20.31 0 0 14 2 -10 6 (20026) 27069 16.562 70.45 0 0 13 2 -10 5 2024PT5 27080 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 2 -6 22 BLLAC 27081 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 2 -6 22 BLLAC 27082 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 1 -6 21 BLLAC 27083 22.045 42.28 0 20 6 1 -6 21 BLLAC 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 12 1 -10 3 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 2 1 -10 -7 M33 27090 5.523 34.25 0 0 12 0 -10 2 NGC1931 2024-10-12 01:13:28: request id 27047 (BLLAC) will be observed - score was 24 2024-10-12 01:16:23: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24284 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24285 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER can be observed 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER can be observed 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER can be observed 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER can be observed 25635 URANUS can be observed 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS can be observed 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER can be observed 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 can be observed 26043 IC1805 can be observed 26044 IC1805 can be observed 26166 NGC6814 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26366 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26367 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26368 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26370 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26948 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26960 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27007 1749+269 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-3969 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9700 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15658 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27101 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2593 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14093 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19783 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5433 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12584 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1758 minutes) 27047 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27048 BLLAC can be observed 27051 BLLAC can be observed 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2677 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-49 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11290 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4068 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9739 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2677 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5506 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8555 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14148 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19868 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-25789 minutes) 27067 (20026) can be observed 27068 (20026) no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00218 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00218 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC can be observed 27083 BLLAC can be observed 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B request already observed tonight 27085 1722+119 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27086 1749+096 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27090 NGC1931 can be observed 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27094 BGO-1682-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-1185 minutes) 2024-10-12 01:16:37: 54 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 22.045 DEC= 42.28 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25297 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25469 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25581 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25634 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25635 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25653 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25709 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26042 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26043 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26044 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27048 22.045 42.28 0 20 0 3 -6 17 BLLAC 27051 22.045 42.28 0 20 0 3 -6 17 BLLAC 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 3 -3 4 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 2 -7 1 M31 27067 6.072 20.31 0 0 19 2 -10 11 (20026) 27069 16.562 70.45 0 0 10 2 -10 2 2024PT5 27082 22.045 42.28 0 20 0 1 -6 15 BLLAC 27083 22.045 42.28 0 20 0 1 -6 15 BLLAC 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 12 1 -10 3 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 9 1 -10 0 M33 27090 5.523 34.25 0 0 16 0 -10 6 NGC1931 2024-10-12 01:16:39: request id 27051 (BLLAC) will be observed - score was 17 2024-10-12 01:18:42: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24284 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24285 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER can be observed 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER can be observed 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER can be observed 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER can be observed 25635 URANUS can be observed 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS can be observed 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER can be observed 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 can be observed 26043 IC1805 can be observed 26044 IC1805 can be observed 26166 NGC6814 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26366 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26367 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26368 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26370 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26948 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26960 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27007 1749+269 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-3967 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9698 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15656 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27099 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2591 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14091 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19781 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5431 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12582 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1760 minutes) 27047 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00155 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2675 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-47 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11288 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4066 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9737 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2675 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5504 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8553 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14146 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19866 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-25787 minutes) 27067 (20026) can be observed 27068 (20026) no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00379 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00379 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00158 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.00158 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B request already observed tonight 27085 1722+119 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27086 1749+096 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27090 NGC1931 can be observed 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27094 BGO-1682-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-1183 minutes) 2024-10-12 01:18:56: 50 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 22.045 DEC= 42.28 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25297 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25469 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25581 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25634 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25635 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25653 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25709 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26042 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26043 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26044 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 4 2 -3 3 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 6 2 -7 1 M31 27067 6.072 20.31 0 0 19 2 -10 11 (20026) 27069 16.562 70.45 0 0 10 1 -10 1 2024PT5 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 12 1 -10 3 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 9 1 -10 0 M33 27090 5.523 34.25 0 0 16 0 -10 6 NGC1931 2024-10-12 01:18:58: request id 27067 ((20026)) will be observed - score was 11 2024-10-12 01:36:45: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24284 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24285 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER can be observed 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER can be observed 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER can be observed 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER can be observed 25635 URANUS can be observed 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS can be observed 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER can be observed 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 can be observed 26043 IC1805 can be observed 26044 IC1805 can be observed 26166 NGC6814 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26366 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26367 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26368 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26370 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26948 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26960 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27007 1749+269 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 can be observed 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-3949 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9680 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15638 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27081 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2573 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14073 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19763 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5413 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12564 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1778 minutes) 27047 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01410 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2657 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-29 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11270 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4048 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9719 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2657 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 can be observed 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5486 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8535 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14128 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19848 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-25769 minutes) 27067 (20026) request already observed tonight 27068 (20026) observation interval is 0.01249 of 0.08340 days - observation skipped 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01633 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01633 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01412 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01412 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B request already observed tonight 27085 1722+119 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27086 1749+096 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27090 NGC1931 can be observed 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27094 BGO-1682-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-1165 minutes) 2024-10-12 01:36:59: 49 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 6.072 DEC= 20.31 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25297 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25469 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25581 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25634 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25635 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25653 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25709 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26042 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26043 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26044 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 27030 M15 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27060 23.367 27.55 0 0 18 2 -2 18 PGC2820015 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 14 2 -6 10 M31 27069 16.563 70.45 0 0 18 1 -9 10 2024PT5 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 12 1 -9 4 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 12 1 -9 4 M33 27090 5.523 34.25 0 0 3 0 -9 -6 NGC1931 2024-10-12 01:37:05: request id 27060 (PGC2820015) will be observed - score was 18 2024-10-12 01:44:12: determining which request ids can be observed... ID OBJECT COMMENT 24205 MRK 25 request is disabled 24208 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24209 MRK 33 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 24283 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24284 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24285 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 24351 ALBOO request is disabled 24710 V1117HER request is disabled 24711 RRLYR request is disabled 24720 ACVUL request is disabled 24740 ANDRA request is disabled 24741 V0393HER request is disabled 24742 IXLYR request is disabled 24743 DUAUR request is disabled 24746 ZSCT request is disabled 24750 TUMI request is disabled 24751 SUMI request is disabled 24752 BPTAU request is disabled 24753 EKDRA request is disabled 24754 UUMI request is disabled 24764 YZCAM request is disabled 24771 HQAUR request is disabled 24772 HXAUR request is disabled 24773 ANDRA request is disabled 24774 AMDRA request is disabled 25266 M74 can be observed 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ can be observed 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A can be observed 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E can be observed 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25276 M74 can be observed 25277 M74 can be observed 25283 M33 can be observed 25297 JUPITER can be observed 25308 M31 can be observed 25354 M31 can be observed 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 can be observed 25365 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25367 DAVIDCHAPMAN is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25374 NGC6543 can be observed 25409 NGC2261 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25469 JUPITER can be observed 25481 DAVIDLANE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25490 M31 can be observed 25501 NGC7635 can be observed 25502 NGC7635 can be observed 25503 NGC7635 can be observed 25507 NGC6720 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25508 IC1396 can be observed 25514 NGC7380 can be observed 25516 M31 can be observed 25522 DESIDERATA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25536 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25542 HEBE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25543 HALLEY no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 25556 M31 can be observed 25558 TATIANINA request is disabled 25576 M31 can be observed 25581 JUPITER can be observed 25583 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25593 (83) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25597 (78) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25610 BGO-2-KUG1141+371 is less than 20 degrees in altitude 25611 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25626 M33 can be observed 25631 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25633 (211) is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25634 JUPITER can be observed 25635 URANUS can be observed 25638 M33 can be observed 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY can be observed 25652 STF3064 can be observed 25653 URANUS can be observed 25666 ELEONORA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25667 TERGESTE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25673 M33 can be observed 25678 V0456CYG can be observed 25691 MELPOMENE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25698 JUNO is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25699 DORIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25707 M43 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25709 JUPITER can be observed 25710 HELENA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25721 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25725 M76 can be observed 25733 M78 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25734 DIANA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25739 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25741 PALMA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25767 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25769 M76 can be observed 25773 M52 can be observed 25781 VESTA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25782 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25783 KLEOPATRA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25807 NEMESIS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25811 AEMILIA is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25862 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25884 EUPHROSYNE is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25891 PALLAS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 25898 EAGLENEBULA request already observed tonight 26002 NGC3190 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26042 IC1805 can be observed 26043 IC1805 can be observed 26044 IC1805 can be observed 26166 NGC6814 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26311 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26356 NGC4627 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26357 IC1101 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26363 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26366 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26367 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26368 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26370 (5661) is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26574 M3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26616 M17 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26633 M31 can be observed 26643 NGC3227 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26644 NGC3226 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26650 M51 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26727 V1117HER request already observed tonight 26730 SSHER is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26811 HR5958 request already observed tonight 26817 TCRB is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26818 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26822 M16 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26827 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26837 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26840 MOON request already observed tonight 26842 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26843 MOON request already observed tonight 26853 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26877 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26880 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26881 IC4587 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26913 BGO-899-TCRB request already observed tonight 26914 TCRB request already observed tonight 26917 BGO-899-TCRB is less than 20 degrees in altitude 26920 C/2023A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 26946 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26948 IC4587 is less than 15 degrees in altitude 26960 MOON is less than 15 degrees in altitude 27002 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27005 NGC3031 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27007 1749+269 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27008 0851+202 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27009 0754+100 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27012 M31 request already observed tonight 27029 C/2023 A3 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27030 M15 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27031 NGC185 can be observed 27032 GPX-1B is not in-phase (-3942 minutes) 27034 HAT-P-59B is not in-phase (-9673 minutes) 27035 WASP-50B is not in-phase (-15631 minutes) 27036 TOI1454.01B is not in-phase (-27074 minutes) 27037 HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2566 minutes) 27038 WASP=52B is not in-phase (-14066 minutes) 27039 TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19756 minutes) 27040 BGO-1727-QATAR-1B is not in-phase (-5406 minutes) 27041 BGO-1727-TOI-3604.1B is not in-phase (-12557 minutes) 27042 BGO-1356-WASP-2B is not in-phase (1785 minutes) 27047 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27048 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01927 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27051 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27052 BGO-1661-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2650 minutes) 27053 BGO-1655-HAT-P-20B is not in-phase (-22 minutes) 27054 BGO-1655-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-11263 minutes) 27055 BGO-1089-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-4041 minutes) 27056 BGO-1089-TOI3604.01B is not in-phase (-9712 minutes) 27057 HR5958 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27058 WGEM is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27059 BGO-1663-HAT-P-25B is not in-phase (-2650 minutes) 27060 PGC2820015 request already observed tonight 27061 M31 can be observed 27062 BGO-1655-TOI-1259AB is not in-phase (-5479 minutes) 27063 BGO-1663-HAT-P-32B is not in-phase (-8528 minutes) 27064 BGO-1663-WASP-52B is not in-phase (-14121 minutes) 27065 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-19841 minutes) 27066 BGO-1663-TOI-1516B is not in-phase (-25762 minutes) 27067 (20026) request already observed tonight 27068 (20026) observation interval is 0.01767 of 0.08340 days - observation skipped 27069 2024PT5 can be observed 27070 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27071 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27072 2024PT5 no matching observation taken tonight to apply the interval value to 27073 MARS is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27078 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27079 BLLAC request already observed tonight 27080 BLLAC observation interval is 0.02151 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27081 BLLAC observation interval is 0.02151 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27082 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01929 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27083 BLLAC observation interval is 0.01929 of 0.05000 days - observation skipped 27084 BGO-1671-HAT-P-19B request already observed tonight 27085 1722+119 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27086 1749+096 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27087 NGC2655 can be observed 27088 M33 can be observed 27089 NGC2403 is below the observatory's custom horizon limits 27090 NGC1931 can be observed 27091 NGC2371 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27092 NGC2392 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27093 IC434 is less than 25 degrees in altitude 27094 BGO-1682-HAT-P-19B is not in-phase (-1158 minutes) 2024-10-12 01:44:26: 47 request ids can be observed Telescope RA= 23.360 DEC= 27.56 SOP= FALSE ID RA DEC REQ_PRI O&G_PRI SOP DIST QUEUE VIS TOTAL OBJECT NAME 25266 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25270 BGO-759-AT2022ZZJ (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25271 BGO-1193-M31N-2005-10A (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25272 BGO-1193-M31N-1966-09E (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25273 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25276 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25277 M74 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25283 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25297 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25308 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25354 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25355 BGO-1193-VEND51 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25374 NGC6543 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25469 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25490 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25501 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25502 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25503 NGC7635 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25508 IC1396 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25514 NGC7380 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25516 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25556 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25576 M31 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25581 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25626 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25634 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25635 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25638 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25651 ANDROMEDAGALAXY (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25652 STF3064 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25653 URANUS (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25673 M33 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25678 V0456CYG (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25709 JUPITER (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25725 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25769 M76 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 25773 M52 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26042 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26043 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26044 IC1805 (Observer's account (or group) is expired) 26633 M31 (Observer's account is pending) 27031 NGC185 (Observer's account is pending) 27061 0.712 41.27 0 0 4 2 -6 0 M31 27069 16.563 70.45 0 0 14 1 -9 6 2024PT5 27087 8.927 78.22 0 0 14 1 -9 6 NGC2655 27088 1.565 30.65 0 0 6 1 -9 -2 M33 27090 5.523 34.25 0 0 15 0 -9 6 NGC1931 2024-10-12 01:44:29: request id 27090 (NGC1931) will be observed - score was 6
All system logs are listed here