Burke-Gaffney Observatory - Public Messages

Below are public messages sent by our Planewave CDK24 telescope.

Date (as yyyy-mm-dd):

Total Number of Public Messages: 31420

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2024-10-26 21:06:30
I will now start my programmed observations...
2024-10-26 20:50:02
The sky is clear and dark, so I am now starting up the observatory...
2024-10-26 18:59:03
I am waiting for the sky to clear...
2024-10-26 07:50:09
I am waiting for it to get dark...
2024-10-26 06:24:04
I am now waiting patiently for sunrise...
2024-10-26 06:24:02
The onset of dawn arrived without the sky clearing :-(
2024-10-25 19:00:03
I am waiting for the sky to clear...
2024-10-25 07:49:09
I am waiting for it to get dark...
2024-10-25 06:23:04
I am now waiting patiently for sunrise...
2024-10-25 06:23:02
The onset of dawn arrived without the sky clearing :-(
2024-10-24 19:02:03
I am waiting for the sky to clear...
2024-10-24 06:22:04
I am now waiting patiently for sunrise...
2024-10-24 06:22:02
The onset of dawn arrived without the sky clearing :-(
2024-10-23 19:03:03
I am waiting for the sky to clear...
2024-10-23 07:41:23
All observations are ready - see the Queue and Observer's page on the website
2024-10-23 07:28:05
I am now waiting patiently for sunrise...
2024-10-23 07:28:04
I have finished processing my images.
2024-10-23 06:47:38
I am starting to process my images...
2024-10-23 06:41:27
I am shutting down the observatory for the night...
2024-10-23 06:26:42
I am starting to look for or taking the required calibration images...
2024-10-23 06:23:04
My programmed observations are done.
2024-10-23 05:38:03
The sky is now cloudy - waiting...
2024-10-23 05:38:01
I have taken a time series observation of BGO-899-GOTO065054 (ID 27382) for Filipp Romanov.
2024-10-23 05:08:02
The sky is now cloudy - waiting...
2024-10-23 02:37:50
Time series observations of BGO-899-GOTO065054 (ID 27382) for Filipp Romanov are starting...
2024-10-23 02:37:28
I just took this image for Dave Chapman of (1036) (ID 27339) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-23 02:32:02
I just took an image of 0506+056 (ID 27372) in the LUM2 filter for Stefan Karge!
2024-10-23 02:25:45
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of BLLAC (ID 27299) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-23 02:22:54
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of MOON (ID 27358) in the BLU2 filter!Image
2024-10-23 02:21:20
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of BLLAC (ID 27297) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-23 02:17:50
I have taken a time series observation of BGO-371-WASP-50B (ID 27277) for Ainsley Leonard-Harding.
2024-10-22 23:14:30
Time series observations of BGO-371-WASP-50B (ID 27277) for Ainsley Leonard-Harding are starting...
2024-10-22 23:14:08
I have taken a special observation of M31 (ID 27375) for Jingyuan Zhao.
2024-10-22 22:42:01
A special observation of M31 (ID 27375) for Jingyuan Zhao is starting...
2024-10-22 22:41:39
I just took this image for Marilyn Whitewood of NGC6960 (ID 27380) in the RED2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 22:36:36
I just took an image of BLLAC (ID 27298) in the LUM2 filter for Tiffany Fields!
2024-10-22 22:33:46
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of BLLAC (ID 27294) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 22:31:11
I just took an image of 2024PT5 (ID 27354) in the LUM2 filter for Dave Chapman!
2024-10-22 22:13:07
I just took this image for Stefan Karge of 2130+099 (ID 27309) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 22:07:58
I just took this image for Jackson Wenham of M33 (ID 27350) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:54:48
I just took this image for Marilyn Whitewood of RINGNEBULA (ID 27318) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:46:20
I just took this image for Stefan Karge of 0050+124 (ID 27371) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:41:38
I just took this image for Stefan Karge of 1718+481 (ID 27308) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:35:29
I just took this image for Abby Pierce of SATURN (ID 27378) in the GRN2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:33:54
I just took this image for Stefan Karge of 1652+398 (ID 27306) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:28:39
I just took this image for Dave Chapman of (20035) (ID 27356) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:10:27
I just took this image for Jingyuan Zhao of IC4587 (ID 26881) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:09:04
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of BLLAC (ID 27355) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:06:14
I just took this image for Jingyuan Zhao of IC4587 (ID 26880) in the LUM2 filter!Image
2024-10-22 21:04:58
I just took this image for Tiffany Fields of BLLAC (ID 27357) in the LUM2 filter!Image

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