Note about the Eventbrite ticketing platform - each "order" has 2 minutes allocated to complete it. This means you have two minutes to get your info submitted. This also means that you may see "no tickets available" for a short bit as others use up their two-minutes' worth of order time.

Being on the waitlist does not guarantee you a spot on the tour, you need to reserve a ticket to join due to limited space. I will contact those on the waitlist during the week if tickets become available.

Note that you can also find the booking page for BGO public tours on Eventbrite's website, and the BGO's profile on Eventbrite is found here.

The page above will update before tickets are available. If it says "No events found" or "This event has ended," check back closer to the date when the next tickets will next become available. You can always find the upcoming public tours on the Upcoming Events page.